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Bricks Builder - Page Builder Wordpress

Bricks Builder - Page Builder Wordpress
Bricks Builder - Page Builder Wordpress
Bricks Builder - Page Builder Wordpress
Terjual 667
17% 150000
Produk: Brick Builder
Masa Aktif: Lifetime
Compatible : Wordpress
Last version: 1.12
125000 150000
Must read the Terms and Conditions.
BricksBuilder adalah sebuah tema dan builder (pembangun halaman) berbasis WordPress yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat situs web dengan performa tinggi dan desain yang fleksibel tanpa memerlukan pengetahuan pemrograman. Dengan BricksBuilder, pengguna bisa membangun halaman menggunakan antarmuka visual drag-and-drop, memanfaatkan elemen-elemen desain yang dapat disesuaikan, serta mengoptimalkan kecepatan dan performa situs.

BricksBuilder memiliki beberapa keunggulan utama yang membuatnya menonjol di antara pembangun halaman (page builder) lainnya, terutama dalam hal kecepatan dan fleksibilitas. Berikut adalah keunggulan utamanya:

Performa dan Kecepatan Tinggi
BricksBuilder terkenal karena kode yang bersih dan ringan, sehingga situs yang dibangun dengannya memuat lebih cepat. Dibandingkan dengan banyak page builder lain, BricksBuilder memiliki footprint yang kecil, meminimalkan bloat dan memastikan kinerja situs tetap optimal.

Pengeditan Visual Secara Real-Time
BricksBuilder menawarkan editor visual yang memungkinkan pengguna melihat perubahan secara langsung saat membangun situs. Ini memberikan pengalaman yang lebih cepat dan interaktif, sehingga pengguna bisa langsung melihat hasilnya tanpa perlu berpindah antar layar.

Responsif Secara Otomatis
Halaman yang dibuat dengan BricksBuilder secara otomatis responsif di berbagai perangkat. Pengguna dapat mengatur tampilan berbeda untuk desktop, tablet, dan ponsel langsung dari editor, memastikan desain terlihat sempurna di semua ukuran layar.

Kontrol Kustomisasi yang Fleksibel
BricksBuilder menawarkan kendali penuh atas setiap elemen halaman, dari tipografi, warna, hingga animasi. Pengguna dapat menyesuaikan setiap detail desain dengan mudah, bahkan menulis kode CSS khusus jika diperlukan.

Pengkodean Bersih dan SEO Friendly
BricksBuilder menghasilkan kode yang sangat bersih dan ramah mesin pencari (SEO friendly), yang membantu meningkatkan peringkat situs web di mesin pencari. Pengaturan SEO bisa dengan mudah ditambahkan ke setiap halaman.

Integrasi Native dengan WordPress dan Tema
BricksBuilder tidak hanya bekerja mulus dengan WordPress tetapi juga kompatibel dengan sebagian besar tema WordPress dan plugin populer seperti WooCommerce, memungkinkan pembuatan situs eCommerce yang lengkap tanpa masalah kompatibilitas.

Sistem Template dan Reusable Blocks
Pengguna dapat membuat dan menyimpan template atau blok konten yang bisa digunakan kembali, yang sangat menghemat waktu saat membangun situs dengan banyak halaman yang memiliki elemen desain serupa.

Modular dan Minimalis
Semua fitur yang ditawarkan BricksBuilder modular, sehingga pengguna hanya memuat fitur yang mereka butuhkan. Ini membantu menjaga situs tetap ringan dan cepat.
1.12 Changelog
New Context menu: Copy and paste classes
New Query Loop: Support ACF Gallery (through post type “Media” and “Include” DD tag)
New Query Loop: More controls for ACF & Meta Box Relationship
New Context menu: Copy and paste attributes
New Form field: Show/hide password toggle icon
New Query Filters: Support term & user queries
New Global Classes: Resolve conflicts on import (override, discard, rename)
New Global Classes Manager: New filters for Used/Unused on this site
New Builder: Show outer Post Content elements (Template type: Single)
New Duplicate post: Bricks setting to disable and Bricks filter “bricks/use_duplicate_content” for more advanced setups
New Accordion & Tabs: Set default open item
New Form: New setting “Disable form validation” (input, blur)
New Image Gallery: New “Lightbox ID” setting (to connect with single images)
New Query Loop: New Infinite Scroll Delay setting
New Bricks setting: Cascade layer for Bricks default styles (experimental)
New Accordion: Toggle brx-open class immediately when clicking on accordion item
Improve Add to cart: Hide if product is out of stock
Improve Basic Text: Add HTML tag description
Improve Builder: Ajaxify term select controls to avoid memory exhausted on term-heavy sites
Improve Builder: Attributes set, should trigger Style tab indicator
Improve Builder: CSS grid guidelines remain on canvas after grid is unset
Improve Builder: Include Bricks Template Bundles & Tags in taxonomy controls
Improve Builder: Inline text edit “italic” on canvas use “em” instead of “i” tag
Improve Classic Editor: Auto-select “Edit with Bricks” tab
Improve Code element: Move controls above code controls (except “Theme”)
Improve Compatibility: Events Calendar Pro & Bricks Query Filters
Improve Dropdown: Performance lag
Improve Form: Optimize field validation input event listeners
Improve Form submissions: Decouple capability from builder access
Improve Google Map (no API key): Missing title attribute (A11Y)
Improve Gutenberg: Display prominent “Edit with Bricks/Gutenberg” block
Improve Helper function to reinit active_templates static variable values
Improve Image: Remove picture tag from HTML tag options (auto-set as needed)
Improve Import pseudo classes & elements (on template import & copy/paste)
Improve Load filters.min.js only on pages where filters are used
Improve Minify splide.min.js
Improve Optimize CSS file loading order (prevent CLS, FOUC)
Improve Query Filters: List Source & Field type controls together
Improve RTL: Builder panel search icon too close to border
Improve Remote Templates: Show import indicator until import completed
Improve Remote Template import: Import entire color palette (instead of only the colors used)
Improve Rich Text: Paste element with CTRL + V, pastes clipboard content instead of inserting new element (builder)
Improve WooCommerce: .alignwide causes overflow in Checkout blocks
Improve Builder: Sync Global Classes notification error object
Fix Carousel: Products query PHP warning (undefined array key “fields”)
Fix Custom auth reroute not working if URL action param set to login
Fix DD tag used In query loop returns incorrect result in builder (not parsed)
Fix DD used in query loop inside template doesn’t follow the populate content setting (in builder)
Fix Duplicated popup & inline CSS when using Popup in loop (inline method)
Fix Dynamic data: wp_user_ parsed incorrectly in nested query params
Fix Fatal PHP error if website folder name contains non-latin characters
Fix Form: Checkbox/radio field have same ID if duplicated or inserted multiple times
Fix Global classes sync across subdirectory sites in multisite network
Fix Helpers::get_element_data failed if the element ID is full integer (also Query Filter element related)
Fix Interaction doesn’t open correct popup in nested query loop
Fix Masonry layout: Not working in Chrome and if “infinite scroll” is enabled
Fix Populate Content/WPML: Fatal error with deleted post
Fix Popup: Dynamic background inside loop not working (plus PHP warning)
Fix Popup: CSS selector incorrect in non-loop and different context ID (AJAX)
Fix Popup: Masonry issue in AJAX-fetched popup
Fix Query Filter: Undefined array key “optionLabel” error
Fix Query Filter with prefilter option and no results causes filter to be not click- or resettable
Fix Query Filters: Incorrect result on term page when subcategory is selected
Fix Query Filters: Not working when query loop has “OR” meta query
Fix Query Filters: ACF user field type generates wrong label
Fix Query Filters: Incorrect filtering when using Meta Box “Date save as timestamp”
Fix Query Filters: esc_html on filter value causes incorrect filter results
Fix Query Loop: Dynamic data for “Child of” not working for Pages (in builder)
Fix Query Loop: Meta query with Clause Name doesn’t parse dynamic data
Fix Query Loop: orderby always uses Date DESC on search result page (doesn’t follow default WP)
Fix Query Loop: Post taxonomy query with EXISTS condition not working
Fix Query loop: Certain orderby values not combinable with other value
Fix Query Loop: orderby “random” not working
Fix Query Loop: orderby not working when using sorting URL Param (page reload)
Fix RAW color with dynamic tag + other value not parsed
Fix Remote Templates: Theme Style import fails on first import
Fix Responsive style indicator overlaps
Fix Social Sharing: Overflow due to tooltip (use title attribute instead)
Fix Template screenshots: Transparent background if background color is defined in theme styles
Fix Use “query_results_count” DD tag condition on ACF Post Object in nested loop can cause fatal PHP error
Fix WP admin bar: Don’t select “Render with Bricks” if there’s no Bricks data
Fix WP auth redirect to use custom error template
Fix WPML: Template element not translated when there’s no other content on the page
Fix WooCommerce – Checkout customer details: Remove field causes issue in actual checkout
Fix Form: Submit button custom SVG icon transform
Fix Taxonomy: PHP warning if linked to non-existing taxonomy
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